A crisis of faith.

They taught me to fear,

Him, who is supposed to love all.

They looked on with sneer,

As my life began to fall.

My questions went unanswered…

With contempt writ upon their face,

Told me “kiss our ass you ‘turd”,

“Now fall in line. With grace!”

Gonna now commit sacrilege,

every known and unknown

I’m under Satan’s tutelage,

let it be widely known.

Beckon the rage,

unleash your monster.

Pay attention now,

To my liberating whisper.

To rise, you must fall,

Gotta undo it all!

Let religion feel a shiver,

As mankind stands tall.

Out of the shadows.

Dark night, dark moon.

An impossible journey begins,

The last full measure of strength,

I muster, to survive long enough till it ends.


Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid.


Resurrection is what I seek,

Determination, my faithful staff,

Sure, time has made them limbs weak,

Yet, my will brings them back to life.


Resolute will. Resolute will.


A mountain awaits.

It’s summit taunting me, yet again.

Mocking me, oh that intolerable insult.

That audacity. That arrogance.


Keep faith. Keep faith.


No, I don’t ever pray.

But tonight, I’m on my knees.

Knocking, on His door, His paradise,

On my torched soul, to blow a gentle breeze. 


Gentle breeze. Gentle breeze.


Such a beautiful life, rich in desire,

Deep inside, a raging fire.

No, I won’t change my mold,

No matter the consequences are dire.


Won’t change. Won’t change.



From rags to riches. Well, almost.

What i post: Having a lavish dinner at the Taj Mahal hotel.

What i actually do: Just have a cup of tea at the hotel and then head out to Bade Miyan’s later.


What i post: Telling my juniors at work how awesome their work has been and how much i appreciate their contribution to the company.

What i actually do: Give them a raise which doesn’t even beat the inflation rate.


what i post: My brand new Apple gizmo.

What i actually do: Buy an apple (the fruit), take a bite off and then put a photo-shopped picture of that apple.


What i post: Enjoying the good life in the business class lounge at the airport.

What i actually do: Buy an economy ticket and then shamelessly ask for an upgrade at check-in.


What i post: A critique of the airline food and blame the airline for cutting costs and serving horrible food in flight.

What i actually do: Order a vada pav from the tapri nearby during lunch time.


What i post: Partying hard with friends to celebrate my 30th birthday.

What i actually do: Take my friends for a walk on the beach and treat them to street food.


What i post: Pictures of awesome recipes that I make getting inspired by Master-chef.

What i actually do: Make insta-noodles in the microwave and order those recipes from nearby restaurants.


What i post: a gym-selfie showing what a gym-rat i am.

What i actually do: 10 minute warm-up on the treadmill and then a 30 minute break.


What i post:  Riding down a mountain road on a sports bike tagging it with some cocky punch line like “me and the open road”.

What i actually do: Get off the bike, return it to the real rider and then get back on to the bus.


What i post: Picture of the new guitar bought to impress girls in college during camp/beach trips.

What i actually do: Never pay for a tutor to learn how to even play the guitar and lock it up in the attic.

Art of War

Lie still, very still.

Await their steps, as they draw near

Pretend to be under their spell,

Consumed by their fear.


Awake you must stay, as the night goes on,

The doors firmly locked, any escape clearly blocked.

Remember your desperation, the broken bond

For this is your time, keep your ammunition stocked.


Draw them very close, make them feel so bold,

Submit to their will, pretend yours to be the one which fell

And as they are about to take your soul,

Make them regret the day they left hell.


Show no mercy, bend every rule,

Look perfectly calm, hit with all your strength.

They must know what it is to be cruel,

They must know, of revenge’s sweet scent.


Once you’re done, clean up the mess.

Put on a suit or that non-pure dress.

Try to look perfectly nice

& they won’t notice the rage inside.

Your eyes will show insanity

They shall, by your rules, forever hide.


The HAIR Supremacy: A CLOSE Shave.

A distant dream sometimes comes along,

to remind me of a glorious past.

When the winds blew playfully through my thick mane,

And the admiration would so forever last.


But now is an era of blades & creams,

An arduous task, boring as hell it seems….

Staring at my reflection in the mirror i wonder,

What if I don’t shave today, would it be a blunder?


Conditioned by society, driven by rules,

A corporate junkie must shave, a stubble is for fools…

As I reach out to my Mach-5 (oh yes, i go for the very best!),

My cheeks silently scream, but to no avail, the razor is in full zest!


Lo behold, the swords come down like a lightning strike,

A bloodshed ensues, as the mighty warriors put up a fight,

Their fate sealed, they wither away in the silent oblivion,

Their future generations awaiting the same fate, come morning sun.


As I forego those days of bouncing scalp hair,

A tragedy unfolds to a new regime of skin care,

This new reality worries me non-stop…

Now I use more shampoo on the side than on top!!


Creative Inputs by: Vije Vijendranath


The prequel –

The HAIR Identity: MELTDOWN Begins


Coming soon –  The HAIR Ultimatum: The BALD Truth.

Fixing India. One Indian at a time.

It’s indeed a very romantic notion. Almost patriotic. Perhaps even a calling.  On a closer look, it also inherently appears to be straight out of a Bollywood movie script attempting to strike an emotional chord with the masses in an attempt to strike box-office gold. At least that’s what the newly elected PM seems to symbolize. And he is getting increasingly successful with it.

But it’s neither of them. Instead, this notion has risen from a slew of unbalanced experiences which regularly manifested in various forms – the annoying clerk at the government office, the incorrigible auto-rickshaw driver, the lazy watchman or the rude maid. Time & again, I was left to wonder the disharmonious environment which I was subjected to every day. While it’s perils remained a burden assiduously avoided, it nevertheless created an illusion of being un-controllable entirely.  The various avatars in which it would sometimes explode (& sometimes just gradually creep in) would leave me, inexorably, exasperated.  The arduous trip to work each day full of traffic jams & angry motorists twisting & twirling their way through the barrage of cars (& potholes) often leaving me in a state of complete disenchantment of the city I so proudly claimed to be my soul. Not to mention the gigantic hoardings of politicians en route, each grotesquely over-whelming. Or the greedy-to-the-bone real estate agent trying every trick to coerce me into believing that he is looking for my best interests.  And how could I not mention the lazy watchman who frequently forgets to clean the car each morning, yet, unfailingly, comes by each month for his salary.

The list of grudges just kept growing. And growing. To a point where I too seemingly began to accept this reality as my destiny. Resigning to it as helpless as a street beggar. And all the while, losing that quintessential hope of seeing a better future. Of waiting for “someone” to “do something” about it. It almost felt like a design, based on similar predications of others, meant to create a mass perception of despondency. And it was working.

I soon began to see a chain reaction, the precursors to a very simplistic, yet profound understanding of a fundamental human trait – change aversion. Interestingly, it dawned upon me while I was reading an article on India’s freedom struggle from British colonialism. And one man in particular. Gandhi. I personally cannot, despite my sincerest efforts, imagine Gandhi as a regular human being – with all his perfections and all his imperfections. For me, he is a larger-than-life persona. More symbolic than articulate. More influential than prescriptive. But what struck me most about him was his total denial to accept status quo. As despondent as we are today, times weren’t too different in his era either. Only the perpetrators were of a different race. The core issues remained. I began imagining how Gandhi would have to come to experience his environment. All he could have seen would have been imperialistic exploitation of an entire population and more disturbingly, a quiet acceptance of that reality under the pretext of being helpless. I began to wonder, what if, like the rest of the Indians, he too would have accepted his destiny of a slave & resigned to it. How different would India be today? Scary thought to say the least. Instead, he chose to change. And surprisingly, himself first. Then others. All the while working tirelessly to sometimes modify, and other times uproot, that human trait of change aversion. He beautifully juxtaposed the apathy & inaction of the people along side their dormant desire to have a better life. But he couldn’t have done it overnight. Nor alone. So he went about his business, one person, one group, one town, one community, and eventually, one country at a time. And he persevered. And persevered.

And now, I have begun to test that approach in my life. No, I am no Gandhi. Nor am I trying to be. But this is now, my moment of truth. Where on one hand, I can choose not to change & accept my destiny as is. Or on the other, I can choose to do something about it. Of course, now I am faced with the most daunting question of all. What can one man do? This question, I believe, has been simultaneously, the source of our greatest escape and also the source of our greatest inspiration. Unfortunately, many choose it as a source of the former.

I started spending time to figure out what can one man possibly do to change one billion? How can one man rise to the occasion and resolve every conflict, every disappointment, every betrayal? I couldn’t find an answer. And then I remembered Gandhi’s words – Be the change. And it suddenly became clear. The answer was right there in front of me all this time. I just couldn’t see it. Blinded by my efforts to find a universal solution to India’s & every Indian’s problems.


So, I began to change.


First – I changed my driving style. I no longer jump signals when there is no cop around, I no longer honk to cut lanes, I no longer curse the wretched auto-rickshaw driver who just zoomed past inches away from my car. Yes, my travel time has increased a bit as I made these choices. But I feel so much more relaxed. There is no stress of being stuck in a jam over an hour. No stress of brushing the car against the auto and then worrying about the cost of fixing the scratch. I feel much more relaxed when I reach work/home.

Second – I have started, in my own small ways, to tell people this message. Of being the change. Be it the auto-rickshaw driver I met the other day who swore on his kids that he will start following traffic rules. Or my dear friend struggling in her new job role and blaming the office environment for her frustrations. She now has decided to take control and not remain a mute spectator (I hope she sustains this change).


I don’t know whether these people I meet have changed for good. Or just temporarily because they met a crazy man who has taken this as his own personal mission – to tell people to stop complaining. And to be the change they want to see in others. I don’t know how far I will go. I have just begun. But I have conviction in this belief, having seen the results first hand. I don’t think I can alone solve all of India’s problems in one day. But then, I don’t need to. All I have to do is continue helping individuals as and when I can change themselves. And hope they will, in turn, carry it forward. Each time fixing a part of India.


One Indian at a time.


Baaki sab theek hai.

I woke up to a bright sunny morning. Only to find out it was late afternoon!!

Baaki sab theek hai.

The office is around 10km from my house. But it took over 1.5 hours in traffic!!

Baaki sab theek hai.

The cook skipped work , as the building lift was out of order & she couldn’t climb 7 floors. (True Story!!)

Baaki sab theek hai.

The Indian stock markets keep crashing to new lows. My investments erode faster than Earth’s Escape Velocity.

Baaki sab theek hai.

The laundry shop called. They “accidentally” burnt my shirt as the new guy forgot to take the iron off while talking on his mobile.

Baaki sab theek hai.

I spent 4 hours last weekend downloading a movie. Tried opening it today only to find out it was the wrong movie!

Baaki sab theek hai.

The Mumbai city administration plans to provide access to car-makers for testing on Mumbai’s roads. Their way to justify the need for pot-holes.

Baaki sab theek hai.

We give “Most Favored Nation” status to our neighbor. They reciprocate by killing our soldiers.

Baaki sab theek hai.

In short, today is in a total mess. Yet, I shall be hopeful for a better tomorrow.

Baaki sab theek hai!!

A night in the waiting lounge of the I.C.U.

10 anxious relatives. Waiting. Some for the last several days. Some are new-joiners tonight (like myself). But the mood is already set. The night is going to be long. Really long.

Each time the door opens & a “bed number” is called out, all 10 of us tune in to the announcement. With eager ears trying hard to discern the meaning of that number. Is that our relative on that bed? Oh dear lord…. what could have happened?

The first such announcement is for the relative perched on a couch next to me. His wife (in her late 70’s) is admitted for acute breathlessness. The poor husband seems more restless than a first-time-father pacing up & down outside the maternity room. The doctor calls him over. Hurriedly, the old man pushes off the couch & into a quick dash towards the doctor. What follows next are a few tense moments of conversation. From the distance, I can see clearly that the doctor is trying to re-assure the husband. After a night in the ICU, she is going to be shifted to the general ward. Nothing to worry at all.

A wry & tired smile breaks on the man’s face. With creases accentuating it, gently hinting of his age, the feeling behind it is beyond my humble means to describe.

Now then, there are 9 others in the room. The routine kicks in. Each hoping, praying, literally beholden to God that their bed number hasn’t been called out yet. But, the night is still long.

There is an eerie silence in the lounge. It’s been over an hour since the last announcement from the I.C.U. Apart from the occasional humming of a generator in the distance, there is no other sound.

I shoot a quick glance at my clock. Its 2 am. There is a lady on the couch opposite mine. She has been in this lounge each night past entire week. Her father-in-law is in the ICU. She is reading a book. I can’t clearly make out which one. But I am sure, this is one book she is not going to remember all that well. Her mind & thoughts lie elsewhere.

2:20 am. The nurse re-appears. “Bed no. 410″ it is this time around. As is the unspoken protocol now, all heads turn towards the nurse. Albeit  this late in the night, the speed of comprehension slows down. Little surprise of course, given that we all have come here from a long & tiring day. It then occurs to me. That’s MY sister on Bed no. 410! Why on earth is my sister asking for me at 2:20 am in the night? My heart sinks.

With a lump in my throat, I limp out of my couch and take a few big strides towards the nurse. My mind is running in infinite different directions. Speculating. Analyzing. Hoping for the best. Fearful of the worst. Those few strides have just caused a whirlpool of emotions within. None which help to soothe my over-stressed nerves.

As I reach within the nurse’s earshot, all my senses are only tuned in to her. It’s almost as if the rest of the world has just faded out. I ask her if my sister is ok. She says: Oh yes. nothing to worry. I called for you as your sister is asking for her toothpaste & face wash when she wakes up in the morning”.

What????? For a few seconds, my mind refuses to accept what my ears have just heard. It can’t be. Can it? Well, my sister is known to have such crazy demands at totally inappropriate times! But right now? While in the ICU? At 2:20 am? Unbelievable!

But everything said & done, I am surely glad that she is doing fine. The doctor in shift has assured me that she will be shifted to the general ward in the morning. But, being the skeptic that I am, I want evidence. So I go up to the monitor next to my sister’s bed & stare at it intently. Trying to make sense of the curve floating across like a wave. The occasional beep is reassuring. But i still track the wire coming out from the back of the monitor all the way to my sister. There is so much corruption in India nowadays, you just can’t trust anybody or anything!

After spending a few anxious minutes trying to pacify myself, I return back to the lounge. Convinced that, come tomorrow morning, I will not have to come back for another night at the lounge. Weird as it does sound, I kinda hate this place. Not because of the constant vigil you need to put up for your loved one, but also to grapple with a constant, although feeble, fear of losing them.

It’s 4 am now. My tired eyes are telling me to stop worrying & get some rest. In a matter of few hours, dawn will be upon us. And I shall have no further reason to be here. In that hope, I put my mind at ease and finally call it a night.

Eternal Brain Dumps of the Spotless Minds!!!

Disclaimer: The following is a result of 2 out-of-whack, idiosyncratic & downright sanity-deprived friends from different hemispheres sharing a common love for procrastination-inspired, joblessness-led & a mutual liking for convoluted thoughts. Please do read without any serious expectation of a worthy prose of intellectual underpinnings. Good luck!!

Professionals that SHOULD NOT have a sense of humour while working:

1. A surgeon
2. A Lift operator
3. A fashion photographer giving final touches to a client’s pics
4. Gynaecologists: jokers who were ex-cons
5. Psychologists
6. Undertakers
‎7. Boob-reduction plastic surgeon. (I don’t see any humour in this one!)
‎8. Negotiators for Israel and Palestine
‎9. The janitor at the American President’s office
‎10. Waitress at a comedy show

The top 12 places/situations when you should NOT smile –
1. At a funeral
2. Right before entering a court room in a tense situation
‎3. When you hear your wife is having twins but only one of them is yours!
‎4. When a girl you like says “I love you…” and ends with saying “…your brother”
‎5. When you use a pick-up line on a girl right before her Arnold-sized boyfriend walks in
‎6. When you haven’t met your sales targets and your boss calls you in his cabin
‎7. When the pilot suddenly announces May-Day and he is trying to do an Emergency landing
‎8. When the pool-boy comes over and you know you don’t have a pool
9. When your wife is in labor and you are rushing her to the hospital only to have the car go out of gas!!!
10. It’s a Friday afternoon, you plan to leave office but the rest of the colleagues still have to stay back to finish your half-done work
‎11.You see a pic of urself when you were a child tagged by your mom, and you smile, only then to realize you were forced to wear what looks like a dress!


Title courtesy & other contributions: Vije Vijendranath.

The HAIR Identity: MELTDOWN Begins.

Circa the 80’s. An era of abundant hair…
Of thick manes, oh what a love affair
Stroking fingers, you stayed firmly rooted
Must have been an angel’s gift, feeling abluted!

In the wonder years, what an asset you were,
Working as my accomplice, together to persevere…
To win attention, oh you made it so easy,
Just a toss here, a flick there, bingo! she had to see!!

As age beckoned, so did stress…
Tried every treatment no more, no less
You hung on, like a faithful friend
Fighting back, till the very end

And then when I touched you,
It felt you were still there,
But upon taking a closer look,
On the ground, you appeared somewhere

Gone are the days now,
When the barber down the lane
Would know I would visit him
Only to show-off my glorious mane

As the world debate rages on,
for who’s responsible for the global meltdown
I resign to my bed, silently at night…
With my sadistic scalp reflecting the moonlight…

Coming soon –

The HAIR Supremacy: A CLOSE Shave.

The HAIR Ultimatum: The BALD Truth!